By: Ronda Snyder
July 5, 2021
Charlotte Warren is a state representative (Democrat) serving District 84 – Hallowell / Manchester / West Gardiner. According to the bio on her official government Facebook page, this is Charlotte’s story.

On Thursday, July 1, 2021, Representative Charlotte Warren made a post on her personal Facebook page “straight white men are too emotional to be in politics.” Imagine the uproar if someone said “gay white women are too emotional to be in politics?” Once the backlash hit, Charlotte limited who could comment on the post on her personal page. Warren also indicates comments will be deleted because “‘Merica, free speech, and all that jazz.” That statement seems to contradict free speech by stifling and censoring it. A statement in Warren’s bio says “I have always been a strong advocate for others, and a consensus builder who brings all voices to the table.” Was this just political lip service?

Quite a few people absolutely loved Warren’s post, Alisa Danae Knowles agrees there is nothing more hysterical than a SWM (Straight White Male). While Kylie Bragdon exclaims it’s the best post ever.

Chloe Maxmin and Courtney Allen call Warren their “Idol” for making what could arguably be called a sexist and racist post. Chloe Maxmin (Democrat) is a State Senator from serving District 13.

Kim Moody couldn’t agree more and says “we really need to rule the world.”

Tom Reynolds suggest an amendment to Warren’s post to which she heartily agrees.

It wasn’t just the average citizen who liked Warren’s post, State Representative Lori K. Gramlich (Democrat – District 13 – Old Orchard Beach) commented she isn’t sure what she loves more, Warren’s words (TRuth) or her photo.

State Representative Richard A. Evans (Democrat – District 120 – Atkinson/Brownville/Dover-Foxcroft/Lake View/Medford/Milo/Orneville Township tells Warren he loves her post and to take no prisoners.

Then a voice of reason stepped and gave Warren and pals a slap of reality. Sarah Crosby is that voice of reason and responds to Warren’s post by commenting “Yes, let’s solve hate with more hate.” Crosby goes on to comment with more words of wisdom. I’ll let you read her own words.

Naran Row-Spaulding is also correct. Imagine if the words of Warren’s post were changed slightly and posted by someone else.

Once Warren limited who could respond to her the post on her personal page, the citizenry, went to her Official State Representative Page where it seems Warren violated the Constitution by deleting comments from her official Facebook page. This is a big no-no, according to the ACLU. Fortunately, we have screenshots of comments that Warren deleted:

Even Maine Journal News’ comment was deleted.

Rather than face the public backlash for her July 1 post, Warren now appears to have deactivated both her personal and Official State Rep Facebook pages. By deactivating her official page, Warren may presume that her illegal deletion of comments wouldn’t be noticed. Fortunately, Maine Journal News has the proof.
Concerned citizens are coordinating a protest entitled “Resign Charlotte Warren” through the streets of Hallowell on Wednesday, July 7, 2021 at 8 am. Citizens are calling for the “resignation of a bigoted, racist and hypocritical representative Charlotte Warren.” The protest will begin at Hallowell City Hall. House Speaker Ryan Fecteau was quick to react and punish the Republican members who didn’t wear masks at the Statehouse. Will Fecteau take action against Warren’s post disparaging her fellow state representatives and for illegally deleting comments from her official Facebook page?
Maine needs more people like Charlotte Warren! Can you advertise for like minded people to relocate to Maine?
Honestly, what is the problem?
The double standards are the problem. Also, Warren deleted comments from her Official Facebook Page which is a big no-no according to the Maine ACLU.