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Here is Part 5 in this Series of Who are the Snitches in the neighborhood courtesy of the members of Maine: No Mask No Service, Buckle Up! You’re in for another wild ride. I took the weekend off so I may have to break this up into two parts as I received a mountain of screenshots this weekend. Thanks to everyone for your support in exposing these self-righteous people who truly need to find something else to occupy their time rather than mass reporting businesses and sending message to business about violations that they receive via second hand information and have not personally witnessed themselves.
It looks like the admin team realized they may have lost control of their Facebook group. What started out as a group to list businesses which were properly following every detail of the Governor’s mandate appears to have turned into a reincarnation of the Salem Witch Trials with a group of apparent zealots reporting their fellow Maine Citizens. This has resulted in new rules that not many are actually following now that they have a taste of power in their lives.

Vengeance is mine sayeth John Albertini or sort of. John wants to know what the fine is for an individual not wearing a mask. John Albertini is a new addition to the people who think they’ve been deputized as part of the “Governor Mills’ Mask Enforcement Division.” He’ll fit in nicely.

Erin Kathleen wants to put her non-existent Mask Enforcement Badge to good use. She wants to step up the enforcement and fines for small businesses. Who cares that small businesses are struggling to stay afloat, keep employees employed or that employers are trying to keep roofs over their heads and feed their family. Erin Kathleen wants to step up the enforcement and fines for her fellow Mainers.

Let’s all thank our lucky stars that John Albertini isn’t a police officer or in any real position of power of fellow human beings – he’s retired and, in my opinion, needs a hobby or attention or both. He wants to fine his fellow Mainers $500 per offense for not wearing a mask. Here’s Erin Kathleen again mentioning a lot of police officers aren’t even wearing them. See Part 4 where I explain that I spoke with a local police department about when and where they are required to wear mask. Well at least Katrina Peterson wasn’t afraid to be a voice of reason to tell John his ideas were a bit extremist. John was having none of that reasonable and levelheadedness of Ms. Peterson. He thinks Maine people are DUMB and aren’t being educated enough. John, I’m curious. How many times in the past 5 years have you personally worn a mask during flu season? The flu kills thousands and thousands of people every year and could also be considered a “deadly weapon.” My guess is zero, none, zilch, nada.

Again, thank your lucky stars John Albertini isn’t in an actual position of power. This would be the point at which I banged my head on my desk but again, it’s against doctor’s orders.

John Albertini had me curious. Here are some of his comments and posts on local small business facebook pages.

I guess one comment to the same business isn’t enough.

This profile pic is extremely ironic given the vitriol spewing forth from Mr. Albertini.

Ahh here is prolific poster and commenter, Debora Norton. According to my sources, she has made at least 7 posts and at least 62 comments in the past 6 days. My source readily admits there were so many that he (or she) probably missed a few. This is Debora’s post about a CA couple who she questioned about their health status. The first post screenshot below is Debora not believing the couple when they said they were tested. The next one you see is and edited version of Debora’s comment when she realized she sounded like an old fussbudget.

Thank you for your voice of reason, Danielle Niles. That’s probably why Debora edited her comment.

Courtney True appears to want to isolate Maine because according to Courtney, people from (gasp) California should not have come here in the first place because she says so.

This is just gold. Sorry to disappoint Nina Mendez-Pottle. Your new group rules don’t allow posting photos of people you deem in non-compliance.

No you may not have posted photos but you sound as though you’d like to and have even thought out the red and black X’s. It looks as though more and more voices of reason are joining No Mask No Service. Carol Stillman and Kristen Reynolds Roberts aren’t afraid to stand up against bad ideas.

Yes Robin Hall! The group IS and has been getting a dirty feel. That’s why I started writing about them a week ago. It was very easy to see where the comments in the group were leading. You’re correct they SHOULD be better than this but they seem to feel as though they have some moral high ground which makes it okay to report fellow Mainers to the State.

Theresa Dyer Bakker will abide by the group rules but she will be “naming and shaming” strangers. She seems nice.

Richard Petron, I couldn’t agree more.

I am so pleased that many more people are realizing what the members of the group No Mask No Service is really about. Sadly, members don’t agree and some think it doesn’t go far enough which quite frankly is terrifying.

I wonder if Valerie Albertini is John Albertini’s (see above) wife. You sure sound like the Mask Police to me (and my now thousands of readers). May I suggest you and John take up gardening, sewing, bowling, or some sort of hobby to keep you busy?

Ann Foye, may I suggest a vision test? The group, Maine: No Mask No Service, is literally full of self-appointed mask police and people reporting businesses. Please see Parts I-IV of Maine Journal News articles for articles about your group of mask police.

Finally, this post was deleted (and rightly so) from Maine: No Mask No Service but I am adding it as a public service announcement. This guy, Anthony Pagliaro admits to following a woman through Target for 15 minutes because her mask was below her chin. This is disturbing to me. Here’s his Facebook profile photo. No, Ann Foye, that’s not brave. That’s creepy.

This is just Part V of this multi part series. Check back soon for another edition of Who Are the Snitches in your Neighborhood. In the meantime, if you have screenshots, information or tips you’d like to share, please send them to